4 min read

You should read - May 20

You should read - May 20

When I first heard of a shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, last weekend, my first impulse was "This is America. That'll be forgotten in 20 minutes, if anyone notices at all." I guess it's a good thing that this shooting by a white supremacist definitely was noticed and definitely won't be forgotten? The real question is whether anything will be done about it.

Just one thing

The Rebellion Will Be Televised (Vanity Fair)

The Obi-Wan Kenobi series starts on Disney+ in about a week and the Lucasfilm/Disney PR hype assault has begun. A Vanity Fair feature replete with Annie Leibovitz photography feels entirely appropriate for where Star Wars is today - trotting out the same formulas and hoping familiar names and faces can deliver the fan service will somehow jumpstart a moribund franchise (I hate that word).

Having said that, I eagerly ripped through the article as soon as I saw it Monday morning. But it's such transparently a paid-for story, just hitting all the PR talking points. Just the tiniest nods to the behind the scenes catastrophe Star Wars has become, but broadly claiming the best is ahead. I don't buy it. I'm not terribly excited about Kenobi. The trailer is oddly underwhelming. I have no interest in the much-hyped return of Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader, which is a bizarre casting to say the least. The Book of Boba Fett shows the Favreau/Filoni coupling is not the savior pairing everyone was hoping for. So my expectations for The Mandalorian Season Three are low.

Only Andor has me excited. Tony Gilroy's pitch to Diego Luna is exactly what I've been wanting to see and I'm hoping that with the spotlight on all the other more high profile projects, these two will be able to bring magic to Star Wars storytelling once again. Help me, Tony Gilroy. You're my only hope.

Fascist terror strikes again

In a replay of the 2019 shooting in El Paso, Texas, a white supremacist went on a rampage last week in a predominantly Black community in Buffalo, NY. I started collecting relevant links to share here, but the sheer volume got to be overwhelming.

I want to say this publicly, especially to my white pastors, don't tell me you're a friend of our community and you don’t address this today in your pulpit. Don’t tell me you love all people, and you don't stand up against racism, and you don't stand up against hatred, and you don't stand up against white supremacy.

You do your church over there, but as for us, we are grieving. And if you don’t stand behind that holy desk and acknowledge that there are still people who hate black people, you can go to Hell with the shooter for all I care because, at the end of the day, if you're silent right now, you're not a friend of mine. Don’t invite me to your repast. Don’t invite me to have words in your Black History Month.

This is the time for black and white people, for Jew and gentile, for Muslim, to stand up together and say no to hatred.

Bishop Darius G. Pridgen
True Bethel Baptist Church

Watch the May 15 service below:

More background on the very present and threat of right-wing terrorism:

"Progressive California" ain't immune. A small knot of Nazi clowns showed up in the town next door on that very Sunday.

The Ballot Battleground

Winning at the ballot box ain't going be enough when your opponent has bullets, too. But elections matter more than ever and Leftists of all stripes - yes, I'm including Dems in that - need to get it together on this front.

Collected Ephemera

I wish there was more fun stuff to include here this week.