You Should Read - Nov 11

Collected Ephemera
Interconnected The Topsy-Turvy Celebration of Guy Fawkes
Scandinavia Facts Did the Vikings Have Cats? Get the Facts
Monthly Review Magazine Why Socialism? Albert Einstein, 1949 Two Is Better Than One: Mindmelding in Space
Fonts In Use Star Wars (1977) opening crawl and titles
Vox The Plan to Save America by Killing the Partisan Primary: It’s on the ballot in Nevada, and it may be coming soon to a state near you.
We have ranked choice primaries in California. Some races are two Democrats, some are two Republicans. My local congressional race was a Democrat vs a Green. It looks like this Nevada ballot measure will pass.
Crooked Timber Twitter Consequences; Not Just for Little People
Eudaimonia and Co The Lesson of Elon Musk’s Twitter? Everything the Far Right Touches Dies: What Happens When You Give the Keys to the Town Square to the Lunatics?
Our Slow-moving Putsch
Before the mid-terms, I said a Republican loss would accelerate right-wing political violence. Thankfully, they lost, but now we shall see. (And not everyone in government is on the side of democracy.)
Gizmodo Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump: A new Homeland Security report details orders to connect protesters arrested in Portland to one another in service of the Trump's imaginary antifa plot.
The Intercept America’s 9/11 Wars Created the Foot Soldiers of Far-Right Violence at Home: The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan radicalized a generation of veterans, many of whom face trials for sedition and other crimes.
Noema ‘America First’ The Second Time Around
Salon Is America Ready to Trade Democracy for Cheap Gas? That's Fascism in a Nutshell: Americans understand that democracy is in dire peril. That doesn't mean they believe in it, or give a damn.
Politico Trump Lawyers Saw Justice Thomas as ‘Only Chance’ to Stop 2020 Election Certification
Vox An Atmosphere of Violence: Stochastic Terror in American Politics: Q&A with Kurt Braddock about how rhetorical strategies can lead to violence.
"The Warning" by Steve Schmidt The "little Eichmann": Casey DeSantis releases shocking "God" ad about her husband
The Wabbit Hole
A selection of my Wikipedia searches this week
Picatinny Arsenal, USS Franklin (CV-13), Russian nihilist movement, Sergey Nechayev, Audioslave, Dead Kennedys, California über alles, Magdeburg, California's 16th State Assembly District, Greg Abbot, Which Side Are You On?