2 min read

You Should Read - Sept 23

Just One Thing

I wish I had more time to write about Andor.

I've been looking forward to this series since it was announced in 2018.  But, after the Book of Boba Fett dumpster fire and the wildly uneven and underwhelming Kenobi, I was afraid my avid love of the galaxy far, far away was possibly coming to an end. "Help me, Tony Gilroy. You're my only hope." I was prone to say.

Well, judging from the first three episodes, Gilroy and his crew have delivered the goods. Andor deviates from the Disney Star Wars playbook in all the right ways, as he did when he was hired to rewrite and reshoot Rogue One as it was on the verge of completion, yet "a shitshow". After devouring the first three episodes as soon as they dropped in the wee early hours of this past Wednesday, I feel confident that at least for the next two years, even if every other show falls flat, there will be at last one great Star Wars show for me. Now, if only Disney would put Andor in theaters. It deserves a big screen.

The links below contain Spoilers for Andor Episodes 1-3

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